
Peripheral Angiography in Jaipur

This test is used to see the arteries in the legs, arms, hands, or feet. A special Dye and X-rays are used to see inside the arteries. The work of blood vessels also called arteries is to carry the blood away from the heart. If there is a problem in flowing the blood well in the arteries to the legs or in arms, the doctor suggests doing the test. Peripheral angiography helps to detect the plaque that is build up on the inside walls of peripheral arteries and it also helps the cardiologist to detect the disease of peripheral vascular. The whole procedure takes up to one hour.


It helps the cardiologist to decide if surgery is required or not to open the blocked arteries. It is a procedure in which a balloon catheter is used to open the blocked artery from the inside. A tiny wire mesh tube called stent is placed in the artery after angioplasty to keep the artery open. If required, bypass surgery can be the another procedure to reroutes blood around the blocked arteries. Dr. Jitendra Singh Makkar can be contacted for doing Peripheral Angiography in Jaipur.


It is performed using a local anesthetic, which means you’ll be awake while the procedure is Catheter, a long thin flexible tube is inserted into the leg or arm through a tiny incision. After positioning the catheter at the right place into the blood vessels, a contrast dye is injected through this catheter. This helps to take -ray of the blood vessels to visualize the flow of contrast dye into these blood vessels and visualize the flow of contrast dye within blood vessels. Due to a very small incision at the skin surface, a peripheral catheterization is usually well accepted by the patient without any significant discomfort, patient needs to lay flat on their back during this procedure. Lidocaine is injected at the skin surface to numb the skin and tiny catheters are inserted then. No presence of nerves inside the blood vessels, patient does not feel catheter inside the body after inserting it in the body. Minimal sedative is provided to the patient before the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Doctor advise to drink more water (at least 6 glasses of water) or liquids (juice or tea) to flush out the dye from the body. The person can start eating solid food after 4 to 6 hours of the test. He can start taking the medicines also after the food. He should not drive for at least 24 hours. The area from where the catheter was inserted can be painful but after 24 hours the person can return to their normal life / activities. After the angiography, the doctor gets a report of the test and discuss the report with the patient..