
Coronary Angioplasty in Jaipur

It is a medical procedure in which a balloon is used to open a blockage in a coronary (heart) artery or widen narrowed coronary arteries. This procedure improves blood flow to the heart. The primary work of the coronary arteries is supplying the blood vessels into the heart. In angioplasty, a balloon is used to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery. In some cases especially most modern angioplasty, doctors insert a stent, a short wire mesh tube into the artery during the angioplasty. After placing the stent permanently on the right place it starts allowing the blood to flow more freely.


In most cases, the blood flow through the coronary arteries improves after an angioplasty. Many people find their symptoms get significantly better and they’re able to do more than they could before the procedure. If you’ve had a heart attack, an angioplasty can increase your chances of surviving more than clot-busting medication (thrombolysis). The procedure can also reduce your chances of having another heart attack in the future.


It is performed using a local anesthetic, which means you’ll be awake while the procedure is carried out. Dr. Jitendra Singh Makkar is a well-known name for doing coronary angioplasty in Jaipur. He has done numbers of such treatment till now. In the procedure of angioplasty, a thin flexible tube called a catheter will be inserted into one of the arteries through an incision in wrist or arm. This is guided to the affected coronary artery using an X-ray video.
Once the catheter is placed, a thin wire starts guiding the length of the affected coronary artery then at the affected area of the artery delivered a small balloon. After delivering the balloon at the affected section of the artery, it is the inflated to widen the artery. Inflated balloon starts squashing the accumulated fatty and widens the artery. Through this procedure, blood starts flowing freely after removing the deflated balloon.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is the most common treatment for the heart. People aged more than 65 years are more prone to heart disease and coronary angioplasties are mostly done in this case. No need to make major incisions in the body during the angioplasty. It’s safer and involving as little incision into the body as possible. The risk of serious complications are generally small, but it depends on factors such as age, general health and whether you’ve had a heart attack. Serious problems that can occur as a result of the procedure include excessive bleeding, a heart attack, a stroke.

Some tips that you need to follow after the angioplasty to keep your heart healthy are always following a healthy diet chart to maintain the blood pressure whether it’s low blood pressure or high blood pressure and cholesterol, avoid smoking after the angioplasty, regular exercise or regular walk to maintain weight, avoid excessive stress and most importantly take medicines as prescribed by the doctor to control blood pressure or cholesterol.

The heart needs a regular supply of blood and it supplies by the coronary arteries to the heart. In some cases these arteries become hardened and narrowed and restrict the flow of blood to the heart, resulting in coronary heart disease. Due to coronary heart disease, people start having discomfort in their chest and it increases the risk of heart attack or of dying, which are usually started cause of stress or hard physical activity. Chest pain due to narrowed and hardened of the arteries called angina can prevent by the medicines. If medication is not effective, in such case cardiologist suggests coronary angioplasty. After the heart attack cardiologist immediately does the angioplasty. Angioplasty is helpful to the quick opening of blockage that reduces the damage to the heart during the heart attack and restores blood flow to the heart muscles.

The whole procedure of a coronary angioplasty takes up to 2 hours depending on the treatment. In some cases if the patient is being treated for angina, needs to stay in the hospital. Normally patient can be able to go home on the same day. Patient after the angioplasty is advised to avoid hard or energy consuming activities, heavy weight lifting or driving for some time (minimum for a week) But if a patient is admitted to the hospital because of a heart attack, in this case, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for some days as per the instructions of the cardiologist Dr. Jitendra Singh Makkar after the angioplasty.

A coronary artery bypass treatment may be done If many coronary arteries have blocked and narrowed or abnormal structure of the arteries. A coronary artery bypass is an invasive surgery in which from the other parts of the body the healthy blood vessel will be taken and connected to the coronary arteries. In this procedure Cardiologist diverts the blood through these healthy vessels means bypasses the narrowed and blocked sections of arteries.